Galena Pharma in the Europe – Upcoming Events
Connect with us in a live events during the spring 2025! Galena Pharma is represented at a several networking and partnering events around Europe during the first half of the […]

Meet the Team: Sales team of Galena Pharma at your service
As a part of the growth strategy of Galena Pharma, the sales team has been formed to serve our current customers and to initiate new partnerships! ”With new talents and […]

Galena Pharma achieves MDR Status for Four More Medical Devices!
New MDR-approved medical devices in our portfolio! We are thrilled to announce yet another remarkable milestone in our journey of delivering top-notch medical devices to our valued clients and […]

Meet our expert- Kaisa Koukkari!
Galena further strengthens its Quality Assurance team! We are excited to introduce Kaisa, a skilled pharmacist and hands-on QA professional joining our Quality Assurance team with a wealth of […]

Galena Pharma has been granted revision 04 of MDR certification
Galena Pharma Oy has achieved a remarkable milestone! We proudly announce that Galena Pharma Oy, the legal manufacturer of several substance-based class IIa and IIb medical devices, has been granted revision 04 of […]

Ready-to-market medical devices
Galena offers ready-to-market medical devices for out-licensing. As an ISO 13485:2016 certified and MDR-compliant Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO), Galena Pharma is your one-stop shop for innovative, ready-to-market medical […]

Meet our expert- Johanna Tamminen!
Introducing Johanna Tamminen, our Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist. We are excited to introduce Johanna, a highly experienced Regulatory Affairs expert who brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to […]

Galena Pharma: your trusted CDMO partner
Galena Pharma specializes in developing, manufacturing, and life cycle management of a wide range of healthcare products. Contact us to: 1. In-license innovative ready-to-market medical devices. With our end-to-end solution —from […]

Galena at Interpack 2023
Galena Pharma is at the interpack, Processing & Packaging trade fair at the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre from 4 May to 10 May 2023. Our Maintenance Manager, Janne Kinnunen, and Technician, Eero Vaskelainen, […]

Galena at Vietnam Medi-Pharm 2023
Attention all pharmaceutical distributors in Vietnam! Galena Pharma will attend the upcoming Vietnam Medi-Pharm 2023. If you’re a distributor seeking to expand your portfolio, we’d be happy to collaborate. […]

New CEO announcement
Alexej von Bagh is the new CEO of Galena Pharma. We are delighted to announce that Alexej von Bagh has been appointed as the new CEO of Galena Pharma […]

Haemme Laadunvarmistusasiantuntijaa, QA Specialist- Haku on päättynyt!
Galena Pharma Oy on Kuopiossa sijaitseva suomalainen lääketehdas. Päätoimialana on lääkkeiden ja lääkinnällisten laitteiden sopimusvalmistus. Kokonaisvaltainen palvelukonseptimme sisältää tuotekehityksen, rekisteröinnin ja markkinoilla olon aikaisen valvonnan sekä tuotteiden elinkaaren aikaisen tuotehuollon […]

Avoin paikka-kesätyö- Siistijä / laitoshuoltaja
Haemme Siistijää / laitoshuoltajaa kesäajalle. Lue lisää ja hae. Etsimme jatkuvasti lahjakkaita ja sitoutuneita ihmisiä, jotka pyrkivät kehittymään ammattillisesti ja nauttivat työskentelystä kasvuhakuisessa ja kannustavassa työympäristössä. Lähetä avoin hakemus […]

Avoin paikka- tuotantotyöntekijä
Haemme tuotantotyöntekijöitä. Lue lisää ja hae. Etsimme jatkuvasti lahjakkaita ja sitoutuneita ihmisiä, jotka pyrkivät kehittymään ammattillisesti ja nauttivat työskentelystä kasvuhakuisessa ja kannustavassa työympäristössä. Lähetä avoin hakemus ja ansioluettelosi osoitteeseen recruitment […]

Galena Pharma achieves ISO 22716:2007
ISO 22716:2007 announcement! We are delighted to announce that we have received ISO 22716:2007 certification, Cosmetics—Good manufacturing practices (GMP)— on 22 February 2023. This certificate is a testament to our […]

Haemme lääkinnällisten laitteiden rekisteröintiasiantuntijaa
Galena Pharma Oy on Kuopiossa sijaitseva suomalainen lääketehdas. Päätoimialana on lääkkeiden ja lääkinnällisten laitteiden sopimusvalmistus. Kokonaisvaltainen palvelukonseptimme sisältää tuotekehityksen, rekisteröinnin ja markkinoilla olon aikaisen valvonnan sekä tuotteiden elinkaaren aikaisen tuotehuollon […]

Galenan hiilijalanjälkilaskenta
Galena on sitoutunut tukemaan Suomen ilmasto-ohjelman tavoitetta hiilineutraaliudesta vuoteen 2035 mennessä. Tätä varten olemme tehneet yhteistyötä suomalaisen Clonet Oy:n kanssa, joka tarjoaa OpenCO2.net-työkalun hiilijalanjäljen laskentaan. Hiilijalanjälkitietojen avulla yritykset voivat tehdä […]

Lääkinnällisen laitteen turvallisuusilmoitus / Fältsäkerhetsmeddelande av medicinteknisk produkt
KÄYTTÖTURVALLISUUTTA KOSKEVA ILMOITUS TUOTTEEN NIMI JA ERÄNUMERO YA A-vitamiini Nenäsuihke pullo 25 ml Koteloissa eränumero: 0632212 Pulloissa eränumero: 063221 EXP 03 2024 VALMISTAJA Galena Pharma Oy Sammonkatu 10 70500 […]

Season’s greetings from Galena Pharma!
Galena Pharma would like to thank all its partners and customers for their cooperation and support in 2022! This year an alternative to Christmas gifts, we have donated to the Lastenklinikoiden […]

ISO 9001:2015 Certification Announcement
Galena Pharma is delighted to have been awarded ISO 9001 certification, confirming our competence and desire to effectively and efficiently provide a quality management system (QMS) while continuously improving our […]

A step forward towards carbon neutrality
Galena is committed to supporting Finland’s climate program goal for carbon neutrality by 2035. For this, we have collaborated with Clonet Oy, a Finnish company that offers an OpenCO2.net tool […]

Galena Pharma at CPHI Frankfurt
Galena Pharma is participating in the CPHI event in Messe Frankfurt, Germany, 1-3 November 2022. Galena specializes in Medical devices: MDR-certified Ready-to-launch Innovative Our experts, Heidi Taipale and Janne Mäkelä, will attend CPHI […]
Welcome to the team
Welcome to the team—our new Sales Director, Janne Mäkelä! We are excited and thrilled to have you lead our team. Janne brings over two decades of pharma experience and industry knowledge […]

Galena offers titanium dioxide (TiO2) free solutions for product your needs
As is known, the EU initiated a ban on titanium dioxide (TiO2) as a food additive in February 2022, with a six-month transition period ending in August 2022, after which […]

Galena Pharma is an EU MDR compliant manufacturer!
We are delighted to announce that Galena Pharma is officially certified under the new European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) by Eurofins Electric & Electronics Finland Oy (0537) on 1 July […]

Upgrade your product portfolio with Galena’s private label products
Do you need a product line extension for your current brand or new products to upgrade your product portfolio? No worries, we got you covered. Galena has over 260 readily […]

Meet our team- Janne Kinnunen!
Five months ago, we had an open position for a maintenance manager at Galena. Three months fast forward, we have a competent, solution-focused, energetic professional working with us who is […]

Galena at QA-päivä organised by Lääketietokeskus.
The most awaited training on quality assurance is here! And Galena is proud to be a part of it. Lääketietokeskus is organizing the annual QA päivä event on April 28 in Helsinki. […]

What does ISO 14001 mean to us?
After successfully receiving ISO 14001 certification in March 2022, Galena is further working toward strengthening the company’s environmental responsibilities and goals. As we perform the most environmentally responsible operations with […]

Galena announces successful ISO 14001 certification.
We are happy to share that Galena Pharma was awarded ISO 14001 certification on March 3, 2022. Contract development and manufacturing solutions provider, Galena Pharma, has been awarded certification for […]

Kati, Galena’s latest recruit!
We have hired! A month ago we announced a vacancy for purchasing specialist. We want to thank all the talented applicants who applied to Galena and chose this growing company […]

Ear spray packing at Galena Pharma
Ear problems such as excess ear wax, dry and itchy canals, and ear canal infections are typical in families. For example, ear canal inflammation is one of the most common […]

Haetaan hankinta-asiantuntijaa
Haemme joukkoomme ammattitaitoista hankinta-asiantuntijaa vastaamaan Galena Pharman hankinnoista, hankintatoimen ylläpidosta ja kehittämisestä. Tehtäväalueeseesi kuuluu mm: Oikea-aikaisten ostotilausten tekeminen Ostosopimusten arviointi ja kilpailuttaminen Vastuu varaston raporteista Materiaalireklamaatioiden hoitaminen Toimittajasopimusten tekemiseen osallistuminen […]

Kiitos kuluneesta vuodesta ja onnellista uutta vuotta 2022!
Galena Pharma kiittää kaikkia yhteistyökumppaneitaan, asiakkaitaan ja seuraajiaan tuesta ja yhteistyöstä vuonna 2021! Vuoden aikana ympäristö on ollut toimintamme näkyvänä ydinteemana. Tänä vuonna toimintaamme on tahdittanut voimakkaasti ympäristövastuullisuus ja toimiemme […]

Let’s talk, honey!
We have all consumed honey in our lives in some, or another form. In ancient times, honey was used as a sweetener until it got replaced in the seventeenth century […]

Automated canula tube filling at Galena Pharma
Have a look at our latest video on automated capsule filling on LinkedIn! Our modern and leading-edge equipment can manufacture high and consistent quality products and provide solutions for unique […]

Our medical device – your next bestseller
Having a resourceful and pragmatic product portfolio in the pharma industry is significant. It helps companies reinforce their best offering to their clients and end-users and provide secure health for […]

Do you have a product idea that requires implementation? Let us help you!
Galena’s product development team can help you bring your idea to life by materializing it into a fantastic product and launching it to the market with the help of our […]

Packaging solutions for your products
Are you looking for safe and secure packaging for your products? Galena offers top-quality and attractive packaging services for pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, and health care products for both humans […]

Meet Kaisa Hautala, our new summer recruit!
Meet Kaisa Hautala, a fourth-year pharmacy student—Biopharmacy major and our new summer recruit at Galena Pharma. Kaisa is a part of our Quality Assurance team and her job responsibility includes assisting […]

Meet Eelis Komulainen, our new summer recruit!
Eelis is originally from Hamina and is currently pursuing his Master’s in Pharmacy with a Pharmaceutical Technology major at the UEF. At Galena, Eelis is a part of the Product […]

Automated capsule filling at Galena Pharma
Let’s look at our latest video on automated capsule filling on LinkedIn! We produce acid resistance capsules for vitamins, iron, and other applications using advanced technologies and innovative approaches. The […]

Quality services at Galena Pharma
Be it pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, or health products—Galena’s quality team can cover it all. Our experts can assist you with the annual evaluation of medicinal products, audits of analytical […]

Galena Pharma at Lääketietokeskus on 22.4.2021
Our Quality Director, QP, Inka Heikkinen is participating at QA-päivä organised by Lääketietokeskus on 22.4.2021. The webinar focuses on discussing the expertise required in the pharmaceutical industry by organizations and quality professionals in the […]

Manufacturing services at Galena
With a team of highly qualified professionals and modern equipment, Galena Pharma can offer client-tailored solutions to the unique requirements of our clients: either on a single, standalone project or […]

Are you ready for the new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) 2017/745?
Are your medical devices compliant with the European Union’s Medical Device Regulation of 2017? If not, no worries, we have got your back. After getting the transition period postponed for […]

Galena Pharma – your reliable partner in materializing your medical device ideas into finished products and to market
Galena Pharma offers high-quality services for medical devices under ISO 13485 standard. We can offer our clients either a complete service package or individual services from design up to finished […]

Galena Pharma – your reliable partner in contract manufacturing and packaging
Galena Pharma stands out as a very high-quality manufacturer with a comprehensive service offering covering all customer needs flexibly, efficiently, and competitively. Our production facilities in Kuopio manufacture various contract-based […]
Galena Pharma collaborates with Intera Partners
Here is a part of our press release which was published today: Galena Pharma has grown and invested strongly in recent years and now the growth story continues as the […]

Hand sanitizer! We are all used to using it by now
Hand sanitizer has been in our product portfolio for several years. But to be able to respond to the demand coming from the market, this year our production volumes multiplied. […]